Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New Finds...

Hello!!!!....:) I know I should be doing posts showing off my Christmas decor but I'm really excited to show you what I found this past weekend while out Christmas shopping with family.  We went to the outlet mall at the Lake of the Ozarks which is kind of a resort town about an hour away from where I live :)  On our way out of town we always stop at the Marshall's Home Good's store there... we have a Marshall's where I live but it isn't a home goods.  Well, when we pulled up to Marshall's Home Good's guess what I was thrilled to see??? (wait for it)......................... a Ross's Store!!!!!!! :):):)  I was so happy to have one closer to me... usually, I have to drive a couple of hours away to go to one :(  AND, to top this off they have been putting up a couple buildings around town & I swear one looks like it could be a Ross (fingers crossed).  Of course, I bought a bunch of stuff but what I wanted to show you is what I was most excited about....

I found these on an end cap & was so happy because they will match a shower curtain & towel set I bought a few months ago & the best part of course is the price....they were all $2.99 each on clearance!!! Can't hardly beat that :):):)  I have been busy decorating for Christmas even though it is un-seasonably warm here in Mid- Mo right now... It's really throwing me off my Christmas decorating game (lol) but, I have done 2 tree's & have been working on finishing up a couple other projects that I'll be posting about soon :):):) Thanks for stopping by... Until next time xoxo Stacey :)