Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fall Entry Table

Hello!!! Hope you guys are all having a great weekend :)... mine hasn't been too bad even though I did work today :( But, as soon as I got off I headed to Micheal's & Hobby Lobby & started buying some Christmas decor :):):) Today's post is all about my fall entry table... I don't exactly have a foyer but I did manage to work me in a entry/console table... I just adore this table set- I got it at Lowe's on clearance for like $50.00 including the lamps like 2 years ago & it has served me well :):):)  It is the first thing you see when you enter my front/formal room & I LOVE it!!! This year I decided to use a metal candle holder that I had & I used some fall leave garland & fall picks & worked them into it securing it with ties... I used some brown candles that I had but I also have been using some pumpkin spice jar candles that I actually burn to give it a pretty ambiance & I put a couple pumpkins on each end to sprawl it out even more.  Well here it is... :):):)

I think it turned out pretty good :):):) Can you believe Thanksgiving is a just in a few days??? Time sure does fly by... I just love this time of year when the holidays start... I've already been listening to christmas music for like 2 weeks already & have started watching christmas movies :):):) Well that's all for now.  Until next time...xoxo Stacey